Home entertainment

The power went off again this morning, as it does almost daily here, if only for a few minutes. During the day, not having electricity isn’t a disaster. I can still cook or read, and there’s always something to do in the garden, as long as it isn’t raining.

One day last week, we came back from a trip to San Jose at around 4 o’clock, to discover we had no power. That meant no computer, no TV, no music, no lights: nothing to do! Jack can always sleep, so he went to bed at 5, after a small snack.

I sat outside and read until around 6, when the light failed, and then tried reading by candlelight, but my old eyes weren’t having it. I can use the laptop, I thought. But no. It turns out that appliances that are left on chargers soon discharge when the power goes off. The iPod had a little charge left, so I plugged it in and danced to show tunes for an hour. I can’t help it; I’m a show tune junkie.

By 8 o’clock, the iPod was kaput. One more hour, and I’ll be tired, I told myself. I’m thinking we need a generator.

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About Myra

I'm retired in Costa Rica, having lived in Philly, State College, Salem Mass, and Kawagoe Japan. You might call me a career gypsy, but my last and best job was teaching English to some of the best and brightest kids in Philly. I'm new to blogging and websites, and will probably make all the mistakes there are, but now I'm sharing my writing. I moved to Costa Rica in June of 2009 with my husband Jack, my dog Buddha, and Jack's two cats, Hobbes and Noir.
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