Mystery Malady

“There’s something wrong with me,” I said to Jack in the middle of one night last week.

“What is it?” he asked, snapping awake.

“My lips are tingling, and so are my hands,” I said. I hadn’t wanted to wake him, but I was scared. It probably wasn’t a heart attack or a stroke, we decided, so the mystery malady could wait for the doctor and the morning.

The night before, as Jack and I sat on the sofa watching an episode of the BBC’s Robin Hood on our imac, I’d felt a flash of intense pain in my ankle. I’m talking ten-on-a-scale-of-ten pain. I examined my foot, but couldn’t see anything. Nonetheless, the area felt tender and began throbbing. “What the hell could it be?” I asked Jack, as I swallowed an aspirin and limped to bed.

An Internet search for possible causes turned up some possibilities I didn’t like too much. And the doctor ordered a plethora of tests, but the diagnosis came from an unlikely source: a girlfriend.

“That sounds like an insect bite, ” she said.

“Wait a minute!” I said. Jack found a scorpion in here the other day!”

Sure enough, the area was swollen and red, and Jack found the puncture mark. Back on the Internet, I found, under scorpion stings, that reactions can include tingly lips and hands. Just to make sure, I called a friend here who’s an entomologist. “Sounds like a scorpion sting to me,” he confirmed. “But don’t worry,” he said. “in Costa Rica, there are no deadly scorpions. Whew.

It could have been worse, I tell myself. At least it wasn’t a botfly. Those nasty little critters leave the gift of larvae behind when they bite. Gross! I’ll take a scorpion sting anytime.

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About Myra

I'm retired in Costa Rica, having lived in Philly, State College, Salem Mass, and Kawagoe Japan. You might call me a career gypsy, but my last and best job was teaching English to some of the best and brightest kids in Philly. I'm new to blogging and websites, and will probably make all the mistakes there are, but now I'm sharing my writing. I moved to Costa Rica in June of 2009 with my husband Jack, my dog Buddha, and Jack's two cats, Hobbes and Noir.
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5 Responses to Mystery Malady

  1. Your experience reminds me of the time I woke my husband with what seemed to be an allergic reaction to mussels in Brussels. A double dose of Benadryl put me to sleep, and when I finally woke up in mid-afternoon the next day, all was well. I hope your scorpion sting is all better by now.

  2. Myra says:

    Who would have thought I’d be relieved to have been stung
    by a scorpion?

  3. happiest woman in costa rica says:

    i am glad to hear that was all it was. not good, but identifiable!

  4. Myra says:

    Hi Betty Ann,

    Yes, I’m fine. When I woke up the next morning, my hand was still tingling, but that only lasted a day.

    Alas, there’s no way to keep them out. In fact, I just found a small one in the bathroom. Luckily, I saw him first!

  5. elizabeth lunden says:

    Myra are you all right now ? and what do you do for that?and how can you keep them out of the house.

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